
CC Traffic 100% CLI Premium Quality for China, India, Greece , Europe, Germany, Hong Kong

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High-quality voice termination to fixed and mobile destinations across the world at highly competitive rates.

Our services have been designed to help service providers, call centres, fixed and mobile operators, calling card providers and ITSP’s outsource their international call termination. We have the financial strength, technical expertise and carrier relationships to allow you to bring your products and services to market quickly and easily.

We actively manage routing 24×7 and collect real-time call data from our switches. If services issues do arise our network support engineers are on hand to help. We offer a VoIP interconnect using the SIP protocol at either of our POP’s in Asia, UAE, Europe and America.

Tags to our Services

SIP Trunking, Voip Telephony, Wholesale voip Termination, Resseler Voip, White Lebel, Call Center Traffic, CC Traffic, Call Shop, Cheap Calls Worldwide, Virtual PBX, Easy Installation, DID Numbers, 100% CLI