
CC Traffic & Call Dialer Traffic Termination

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Finding good SIP Termination for Dialer traffic can be hard.

Many carriers have started to increase their rates and even when you find a good SIP termination provider for your dialer traffic, you still have to wait and see if the rate they quoted you is going to be the actual rate you are going to pay. Because the actual SIP termination rates can come out quite a bit higher when they start adding short duration surcharges and penalties for incomplete calls.

We have worked with enough call centers, telemarketers and other companies with dialer-like traffic to understand your needs.

We provide the best rates for India CC traffic.

Please fill out the deck request form and we will send you the right deck for your traffic or arrange a test.


Sipon Call center provides premium carrier channels for Wholesale VoIP Termination for the international telecommunication traffic. We provide lowest wholesale VoIP Termination rates for ALL destinations worldwide.


  • 100% Pure Cli Routes with High ACD, ASR and Low PDD.
  • Wholesale A-Z Termination with Guaranteed Highest Quality at Most Competitive Rates.
  • Fully Featured Web Management Software for Online CDR Access.
  • LCR (Least Cost Routing) Technology - Superior Quality of Routes at cheapest price available.
  • Perfect for Network Operators/Whole sellers/Large Size Carriers.
  • Real-Time Option to Switch between Platinum and Gold


 Important we support only cc traffic to Europe, Africa, Asia and USA.


Tags to our Services

SIP Trunking, Voip Telephony, Wholesale voip Termination, Resseler Voip, White Lebel, Call Center Traffic, CC Traffic, Call Shop, Cheap Calls Worldwide, Virtual PBX, Easy Installation, DID Numbers, 100% CLI
